I have to say it was an encouraging process as i considered the progress of youth ministry in the church in the last 12 months. The most encouraging things are as follows:
- Passionate and enthusiastic leaders. When i started, several youth leaders 'retired' from service and the remaining few were a bit disillusioned and tired. The last year, especially since Christmas, has seen this change dramatically. We now have a group of 18 leaders (some came back from retirement!) who are passionate and enthusiastic about the youth ministry in church!
- Young people growing in faith. We have a fantastic group of young people in church who are passionate about engaging with God through WORSHIP and hungry to hear what God is saying to them through the TEACHING OF GOD'S WORD. This such an exciting place for me and the rest of the leaders to be.
- Youth work outside of church. This was started from scratch last summer with detached youth work and has now developed into a drop-in centre that opens 3 afternoons and 2 evenings per week. We have 9 leaders involved and have contact with approximately 40 different young people and the centre has around 250 users each month. I was also involved in running a Youth Alpha group with 8 lads which was a fantastic experience.
- Church family. I have been made very welcome at WPC from the outset which has made it a joy to build relationships. I have found the people in this family very encouraging to me directly (on a personal and professional level) with both their words and actions, and also indirectly as i watch people seeking to live out their faith in a way that makes a difference to those around them.
- passionate leaders
- young people growing in faith
- progress with youth work outside of church
- encouraging church family.
I'm sure I speak on behalf of all of the leaders in thanking you for all of your work over the last year. Your enthusiasm and committment has been inspirational not only to the students but to the leaders as well. Every Friday night is a blessing and the highlight for me was definitely the Castlewellan retreat - an amazing time of fellowship and worship! Far from letting things stagnate we are committed to and excited about what God has planned for youth work, both inside and outside of the church, in Waringstown this year and will support you in following the vision He has given you.
Finally, I hope that you will also be able to find some time to practice that tin whistle!! ;-)
Brilliant mate. Glad to hear its going so well!
I think your great Neil, you're doing such a great job... we miss you at cell though!!
It is inspiring to hear someone talking so passionately and enthusiastically about their JOB! Good stuff. Keep it up!
Glad you feel welcom at WPC. I know that I speak for alot of people when I say that Friday night is the highlight of my weak and that I realy look forward to fusion and 20/20 each weak.
It is very easy to concentrate on what we haven't done, its really good to read about someone doing, knowing he is doing and that he is going to do. Ta, God bless
So good to see you love your Job, hope the next year is superb, the outside youth work sounds great.
wow, Neil you have been here a year! whoohoo to you! seems like you were always part of the Church! Its been a fantastic year, thanks for all the hard work! Its paid off ;)
You're doing a strirring job young fella!
You're doing a strirring job young fella!
new post please!!
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