Monday, June 12, 2006

The to-do list...

So I'm back into work tomorrow (Mondays are kinda a day off for me) after last week which was filled mostly with work with third year classes in Lurgan Junior High (it rocked!), and also a LONG LONG Wednesday at the PCI General Assembly where i slowly lost the will to live! Anyways, I'm starting to feel under pressure cos I've lots to get sorted in the next 2 weeks - Fusion Formal this Friday Night, Summer Madness planning, Summer Youth week planning, Planning for youth fellowship programmes for September, detached youth work project progression & church marketing/website progression are all on my to-do list so i really just need to get stuck in this week and get things done. On top of all that we are now in the midst of World Cup '06 which has to fit in there sometime too! Please pray that i will be effective and efficient in my use of time and that God would be clear in my decision making and planning! Thanks folks!

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