So we were staying at this apartment (friend of Chris Mc). It was lovely and we arrived back after the concert with pizza only to find a mouse happily skipping across the kitchen counter. Anyone who knows me well will know that i don't cope well with any sort of vermin at close range (think its inherited from my mum!), so at this point i was starting to panic. Thankfully the 2 Chris's were a bit more masculine than me and cornered the mouse with a frying pan and rolling pin and a bread board! Basically the mouse finished up flattened between the bread board and the side of the fridge with the bread board being pounded with the rolling pin! Meanwhile i'm still seeking refuge in the living room until i get the all clear! As you can imagine this left quite a mess in the kitchen to be cleared up, so we decided to eat the pizza first before tackling the next problem of getting the squashed mouse into a bin liner. This turned out to be a 3 person job and one of the most hilarious and discusting experiences ever! Oh the craic!