I've just arrived home after being in Manchester since Friday. I was over staying with Stefan (left in pic). The other guy is our friend Simon from Barcelona. We met him in Italy last summer on our Inter-rail expedition. We've kept in touch ever since so it was cool to meet up again. That's one of the great things about travelling - meeting people. It's easy meeting people when you're doing the back-packing thing but rare to keep in touch and meet up again. We're already planning to meet up again in the Autumn, this time in the sunnier climate of Barca and hopefully take in a match at the Nou Camp - how awesome would that be! Had a great weekend in Manchester, watched the FA cup Final - what a match! I really wanted to see the Hammers win but i suppose the Pool deserved it - it hurts me to say that! The rest of the weekend was generally filled with eating, talking, a bit of dancing, church, watching movies and sleeping.
I finished reading Wild at Heart (for the second time) whilst away too. What a great book for blokes (and insight for girls). I can really relate to a lot of what Eldredege talks about in terms of the life experiences of a lot of men. So I'm all set to be a warrior, climb a mountain and rescue myself a damsel in distress!
I've started reading The Gift by Eugene Peterson. I'm really enjoying it so far. It opens with his redefinition of the term pastor which is really interesting. One word he feels should be used to describe a pastor but isn't is unbusy!
How can I persuade a person to live by faith and not by works if I have to juggle my schedule constantly to make everything fit into place.He goes on to qualify this by stressing the key things that pastors should be investing time in - prayer, preaching and listening to people. I'm so guilty of busyness. It makes me feel important, significant and needed but it's often at the expense of my spirituality. I'm realising that more than ever i need to block out time in my diary for God. I'm excited about what this might reap.
Un-busyness - I think I like that concept! The church has way too much of a Messiah complex and it's neither biblical nor healthy (yep & I learnt the hard way!). Looking at Jesus in the Gospels - could you ever describe him as being absorbed in 'busyness'?
Yo Neil. Glad you had a good time in Manchester. Becci says hi, i think she missed your banter on monday at cell. i was at a meeting so none of the cool ones were there! My gran passed away on tuesday and so i have had to take this week of work to help my dad organise the funeral and all the stuff. I am wrecked. I need grace. Just sitting in Drumbo Primary waiting on my bro collecting me and then I am off for another mad day with family. Chat soon bro. I have a new blog which should be linkable to..its still on the base web site. we have to organise you to come round for dinner some night.
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